I can't comment on the grade since it didn't take much effort maybe 10 or so tries over 2 days. I've pulled onto it in past years, but never with any serious effort or hopes for success. It's always just been there, waiting. I know some other climbers have tried to complete this line in the past without success. Regardless of the grade 8b or 8b+, it's been there for so long without a repeat until now. I must say this is one of the happiest moments I've had through climbing.
Check the vid....
Cool mang! I'm almost totally ignorant of the possibilities here, so: are there worthwhile low start options?
draconian work restrictions prevent me from seeing the video but I'll assume it is badass. nice work!
Sick work Phill! that thing is so hard... made it look like piss..
You eat nails and sleep in snowbanks. Sick.
I heard som girl did it and called it v12
Thanks yall for the support,
oh my god
who is that guy?
Sick dood.
-John K
Nice work Phil. Looks like an amazing climb on nice rock.
nice one bruva... killin it.
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