Climbing in RMNP can be pretty dangerous.

I've been climbing alot outside preparing for this weekend. Tomorrow I'm leaving for the first of the Triple Crown Bouldering Comps. The first comp kicks off Saturday morning at Hound Ears, outside Boone N.C.. I lived in Boone for 4 months during the fall of 1999. I climbed my first V6 and V7 there at Blowing Rock. My time in Boone opened the door to bouldering for me. Needless to say I'm excited to go back for the first time in 10 years.
Yesterday as my final training day, I headed back to Upper Chaos to circuit and climb Pterodactyle. The weather was snowy and a bit wet. The thought of toping out the highball-ish Pterodactyle seemed crazy so I headed over to the savage little Friday the 13th.
After running a lap the skies cleared but enough to give Pterodactyle a burn.
After figuring it out the other evening. I knew I had a good shot to send first try. I pulled on and pumped my way to the top. I had dropped back from here two times before. This time I knew what to do and toped it out. Not that it's the scariest thing I've climbed but it's the scariest in a while so my heart was beating pretty fast. I spent the rest of the day circuiting and left exhausted.
When get back from N.C. I'll be spending most of my remining time in the park this season, suffering on Aslan.
BALLIN' sweater!
Hey, Good hangin with you at the 3 crown. Send me your email. I got a good shot of you.
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